Resolutions are odd – if you tell people about them and they don’t work out then you look like an idiot, whilst if they do work out, people just take your achievements for granted…
So is it best to keep them to yourself? Probably yes, but that’s boring, so what I do is schedule in a few goals for the season that everyone can know about, whilst keeping a few hidden for myself only (usually the ones I’m frightened off)!
One thing I’m going to say straight away is that this year is not going to be based on racing – I’m going to race mountain bikes, cross, TT and on the road, but these events/races will be the punctuation marks in my year rather than the focus. I’ve spent years focusing on race results and now I’m going to try and use that strength to take me further afield and closer to home!
2017 will be a year of exploration. I’ll use my races to help me find new trails and I’ll spend time pouring over maps to find new roads on my doorstep. It’ll be a chance to embrace everything I love about bikes and the freedom they give you. We often talk about the freedom of choice, of where we work, where we live, what we buy, but really the only time I’ve ever felt truly free is on my bike – a million miles from everywhere, at the center of everything.
Oh, and I’m going to win some more stuff too, because winning is fun.

Photos by Glen Whittington.
Glen rides for the Southborough & District Wheelers. He races mountain bikes, road bikes, TT and ‘cross at local and national level. He receives personal support from Helly Hansen, Scott Sports, The Velo House, and the.æight.bicycle.cømpany. Glen runs The Velo House with Olly, a coffee shop, workshop and bike shop welcoming all cyclists and non-cyclists, based at 5 St.Johns Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN4 9TN – 01892 554 505 – He also contributes to Simpson Mag @eightbikeco #aeightracer